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Global News

Here are some interesting global news articles:


Thailand ammonia leak



Over 100 people were hospitalised following an ammonia leak at an ice factory in the Chonburi Province of Thailand.

At around 23:36 local time, the Banglamung Ice Plant exploded. When rescue personnel arrived on the scene, they discovered that more than 100 people at the plant had ammonia poisoning. Following the ammonia cloud’s spread to surrounding locations, dozens of locals were also negatively affected.

The local media stated that after hearing a loud blast, workers from the factory fled the scene as heavy smoke started to billow from it. Many had inhaled ammonia and were experiencing breathing problems and itchy eyes.


Story and image was provided courtesy of the Cooling Post page, Hazardex Page and was slightly edited prior to publication.

For more info, click here

Albanian arrested for refrigerant smuggling




Over three tonnes of HFC refrigerant were transported illegally by an Albanian van driver, who was taken into custody in Greece.

The 29-year-old man was taken into custody by Krystallopigi Border Guard Department police in Florina, a town in northwest Macedonia, for breaking the law regarding the country’s customs code.

242 refrigerant cylinders, totaling more than three tonnes, were discovered within the stopped van. Though images indicate that at least part of the illegal load is R410A, the authorities have not identified the refrigerant involved.

The shipment allegedly arrived from an unattended border crossing between Greece and Albania without import, customs, or duty clearance.


Story was provided courtesy of the Cooling Post page, Hazardex Page and was slightly edited prior to publication.
Image: General Regional Police Directorate Of Western Macedonia/ Florinasi Police Headquarters/Border Guard Department Kristallopigis
For more info: click here

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