This page is dedicated to help understanding the content of the RACCA Australia website. The RACCA Australia website does have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page which can be found here. Information on RACCA membership and membership applications forms can be found here.

The top of the webpage will provide you with many pages to discover on the RACCA Australia website from membership to the RACCA Forum to the latest industry news. All you have to do is scroll over them and click on them to find what you need.

The sliders are the first thing that you will see on the RACCA Australia website. The sliders will contain recent and important news content on the air conditioning, heating and refrigeration industry, as well as business. The sliders are updated regularly. The content that first appears in the slider will be archived to the Latest News/News section when the sliders are updated.

This page provides detailed information on how to become a RACCA member, the benefits of RACCA membership, as well as the full membership list.
Latest News/Latest Events

The Latest News section will contain the latest news relating to the air conditioning, heating and refrigeration industry, as well as on RACCA Australia and business. Stories from the sliders will also appear in the Latest News section, no news stories that have been published have been deleted, so if you are looking for past stories, you won’t have any trouble. The Latest Events page will contain information on upcoming industry events, as well as industry events that RACCA Australia will attend and have attended.
RACCA Training & Tech Support

This page provides an extensive calendar of training and tech support courses and sessions and programs for business people, employers and employees in the industry. More detailed information on these courses and sessions will be coming soon.

The RACCA Forum aims to start discussion among RACCA Australia’s members and website visitors. There will be new discussion topics every week on recent news–both general and industry news, as well as on topics that are crucial and/or well-known within the industry. Each forum post will provide a summary of the discussion topic and at the end of the summary there will be a discussion question to kick the discussion off. If you want to comment on a forum topic, you will be taken to a page that looks like this:
You will see it says at the bottom that “you must be logged in to reply to this topic.” If you don’t have a login, you can register for one here.
This is the list of current sponsors for RACCA Australia. You are able to scroll through the list from left to right and if you hover over a sponsors’ logo and double click on it, you can visit their website.
Useful Links/Contact Us/RACCA State Office

You will find useful links to other industry websites, RACCA Australia’s contact details and the links to RACCA’s state offices here. If you hover over the map of Australia, in particular over a particular state and double click on it, you will be able to go to that state’s website.
Privacy/Terms of Use/Site Map/Contact Us

These links will take you to RACCA Australia’s privacy statement and terms of use policies, as well as its site map, help page and contact details.