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Audit reveals defective fire systems



Officers from NSW Fair Trading have found that over 50% of the 21 construction sites recently audited for fire safety standards in Sydney and Wollongong have issues with their fire safety systems. Among the defects identified at 11 of these sites are faulty fire doors, insufficient fire hydrant equipment during construction, and inadequate sealing of gaps and voids around pipes and wall spaces, compromising the ability to impede the spread of smoke and flames.

Two of the sites received urgent notices mandating the installation of operational fire hydrants and portable extinguishers. Essential protective measures such as sprinklers, fire alarms, and smoke management systems, designed to safeguard occupants and facilitate safe evacuation in case of a fire, were found to be lacking or faulty.

The inspections encompassed various building classes, including residential apartments, aged care facilities, boarding houses, and student accommodation (class 2, 3, and 9c buildings). NSW Fair Trading is collaborating with independent certifiers at multiple sites to ensure prompt resolution of these issues before the issuance of occupation certificates and the subsequent occupation by residents.

Officers will conduct follow-up visits as needed to ensure ongoing compliance with fire safety standards. In addition to fire safety concerns, the Building and Construction Compliance Team identified other safety issues during their inspections, with the risk of falling from heights being the most prevalent, particularly in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry.


This information and image was provided courtesy of Climate Control News Page and was slightly edited prior to publication.

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