On Tuesday, October 10, AIRAH will host the South Australia Apprentice Awards, where the best apprentices in refrigeration and air conditioning will be honoured.
The Awards recognises the Apprentice of the Year, Runner-Up Apprentice of the Year, Airefrig Scholarship Award, and Encouragement Awards. They honour the accomplishments of apprentices in the South Australian HVAC&R business.
Platinum sponsor, Kirby, is supporting the event this year and is also giving away a $300 tool voucher the following day at Adelaide Industry Night on October 11. An exclusive “Apprentice Hour” session at the Industry Night will be dedicated to apprentices with the goal of exposing them to new goods and expanding their professional networks.
Registration is now open for the South Australia Apprentice Awards, which will be held at the Adelaide Pavilion.
This story and image were provided courtesy of HVAC&R News page and was slightly edited prior to publication.
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