The draft AIRAH Best Practice Guide on Energy Efficient walk-in cool-rooms and freezers is open for public comment until 20th September 2019.
About the guide
This Best Practice Guide for Energy Efficient Walk-in Cool-rooms and Freezers is intended for engineers, refrigeration technicians, contractors and equipment owners, to assist those responsible for designing, specifying, installing, operating and maintaining energy efficient walk-in cold rooms.
AIRAH Best Practice Guide – Energy Efficient walk-in cool-room and freezers – PUBLIC COMMENT open
This Guide is intended to cover walk-in cold rooms (WICs) constructed from insulated sandwich panels which form an insulated enclosure that is constructed on site or is factory built and pre-fabricated, ready for assembly or delivered made up and pre-assembled.
Walk-in cold rooms are those intended to store chilled or frozen foodstuffs and other perishable items and accessible by at least one door suitable for persons to walk through. Walk-in cold room means an enclosed storage space refrigerated to temperatures, respectively, above, and at 0oC (walk-in cool-room), or below 0oC (walk-in freezer) that can be walked into. It also includes those walk-in cold rooms with display panels and doors.
AIRAH technical documents are developed through a rigorous process, and a critical part of this is a public review process. Public review is an opportunity for you to review technical content for accuracy and omissions etc, and provide constructive evidence based comments for consideration in the final document.
Technical reviews are a great way to increase your knowledge and advance your career.
Comments are invited on the technical content, wording and general arrangement of the documents.
This story was provided courtesy of AIRAH. This content was edited slightly prior to publication.