This article was published in the April 1957 edition of Cold Facts. The author is unknown.
How much do you know about your customers’ refrigeration equipment? If you’re the kind of service company you should be, you know plenty.
Your information file on each of your customers should show a case history of all his refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. This should cover condensing unit and cabinet data, belt sizes, make and age of equipment, and any other information that will give you a quick check to help you handle his service calls faster.
Better pick a good-size “card” (8.5 x 11, for instance) for this information, for you’ll want to record also the dates of all service calls you made on the equipment, what work was recommended and what work was actually done. This information will tell you what to expect when a service call comes in.
For instance, if your latest call reports shows that you recommended new belts for a certain job and that the customer decided to put this off for a while, you can figure that the belts will be a problem on this call, among other things. Or if the job has a “history” of one particular type of trouble, as shown on your file card, you have a pretty good idea of what you can expect. If you don’t happen to have the part you expect to need in stock, you can pick it up from your wholesaler en route.
Keeping up-to-date records of your customers’ jobs will save you time–and help you make more calls and more profits–when the rush season’s on and they make a swell prospect list for check-up calls when things are slack.

Image via Cold Facts