Taxable Payments Reporting Webinars Open for Businesses in Building and Construction Industry
According to news released by ATO, these national webinars are one hour ‘seminar online’ sessions, designed for businesses in the building and construction industry that make payments to contractors for building and construction services. They outline the taxable payments reporting requirements.
A free webinar app is available from all app stores, and the GoToMeeting app is also free to download for Android, Apple or Windows. You are free to select your preferred session and time zone. The next webinars are scheduled on 12 November 2013 3.00pm in Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT).
Read more related news at http://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Building-and-construction/In-detail/Taxable-payments-reporting/National-webinars/
Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps) Determination 2013 will be enforced from 1 April 2014
GEMS (Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps) Determination 2013, a replacement Determination that regulates air conditioners and heat pumps manufactured in or imported into Australia will comes into force on 1st April 2014. It will regulate multi-split air conditioners and heat pumps for the first time, covering vapour compression type appliances with a rated total cooling capacity of 65 kilowatts or less. The Determination does not affect the registration of any model registered under the GEMS Determination 2012.
It is required that all air conditioners and heat pumps covered by the Determination be registered with the Australian GEMS Regulator.
There are no GEMS labelling requirements for water cooled condensers, water-to-air heat pumps, brine-to-air heat pumps and multi-split systems.
However, the Determination does not cover the : close control air conditioners and liquid-chilling packages; evaporative coolers or any other cooling systems that are not of the vapour compression type; ground-water-sourced heat pumps or ground-loop-sourced heat pumps; or unbalanced air conditioners and spot coolers.
GEMS (Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps) Determination 2013 is available on the Australian Government ComLaw website: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2013L01672
Cold Hard Facts 2: A study of the refrigeration and air conditioning industry in Australia
On 25 July 2013, the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities released Cold Hard Facts 2: A study of the refrigeration and air conditioning industry in Australia. The report provides detailed insights into the size and structure of the refrigeration and air conditioning industry in Australia, the estimated bank of equipment and refrigerant and estimated direct and indirect emissions.
Cold Hard Facts 2 builds on the work undertaken in the original Cold Hard Facts that was completed in 2007. The reports are the most complete studies of the refrigeration and air conditioning conducted anywhere in the world. The report also establishes benchmarks for industry that can be used in future years as reference points against which to measure growth and change.This report provides useful information about refrigeration and air conditioning industry issues. It is strongly recommended that RACCA members read this document.
The report is available from the website of Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.
http://www.environment.gov.au/atmosphere/ozone/publications/pubs/cold-hard-facts-2.pdf and
Flammable Refrigerant Safety Guide 2013 has been released
Flammable Refrigerants Safety Guide 2013 has been released by the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH).This guide comprehensively covers the management of health and safety risks relating to flammable refrigerants. This guide will play an important role in ensuring a safe working environment for the industry controls on the use of flammable refrigerants.
We recommend that all of our RACCA members read the Flammable Refrigerants Safety Guide 2013.
The guide is available to download FREE by clicking the link Flammable Refrigerants Safety Guide 2013

The Government has confirmed it will scrap the current carbon tax and move to an emissions trading scheme (ETS) 2014
The Federal Government has confirmed it will scrap the current carbon tax and move to an emissions trading scheme (ETS) next year.
New minimum wages and super guarantee increase
According to Fairwork, there has been an increase to the minimum wages and super guarantee since 1 July 2013.
Apart from the increase of super guarantee by 0.25% as notified on RACCA’s Facebook, the minimum weekly wages increases by 2.6%, and this applies to minimum wages for adults, juniors, trainees and apprentices, employees with a disability and to piece rates.The new national minimum wage is $622.20 per week or $16.37 per hour. This applies to employees who aren’t covered by an award or agreement.
The high income threshold and compensation limits for unfair dismissal have also increased. This means that if you have employees who earn above $129 300, or if you earn more than this, it may affect entitlements.
Read related information on Fairwork:http://www.fairwork.gov.au/media-centre/latest-news/2013/07/pages/20130701-new-minimum-wage-super-guarantee-increase.aspx
Destruction Incentives Program for Waste Synthetic Greenhouse Gases and Ozone Depleting Substances
It is the right time to send your reserved refrigerants for destruction!
From 1st July 2013, the Australian Government started to provide a greater incentive to technicians and contractors to recover and return waste refrigerant for destruction. You will receive an additional $1.50 a kilogram based on the $3.00 you get from Refrigerant Reclaim Australia (RRA). If you have reserved refrigerants from last financial year, it is the right time to send your refrigerants for destruction from now on!
Read more information about the Destruction Incentives Program for waste synthetic greenhouse gases (SGG) and ozone depleting (ODS) refrigerants you can go to https://refrigerantreclaim.com.au/2013/06/increased-payment-to-contractors/