Business.gov.au have published an article for business owners, providing tips on how to create compelling website content.
Business.gov.au emphasise that business websites need great content as it helps business owners build a relationship with their audience or customers. They also emphasise that readers want content that is easy to digest, engaging, has value and is informative or entertaining.
Business.gov.au emphasise that business owners need to keep in mind whether the content they are creating for the website meets their audiences’ expectations, is relevant and well presented.
Business.gov.au provide six tips to help business owners create compelling website content: identify your target market, ensure the content is of good quality, structure the content, choose the right format, repurpose the content and stockpile potential future content.
The ‘identify your target market’ tip emphasises the importance of knowing and defining the website’s target marketing as it can help with personalising information and the message reaching the right people.
The ‘ensure the content is of good quality’ tip provides advice on how to improve the quality of content, such as using short sentences and being mindful of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
The ‘structure content’ tip focuses on how to structure information within the content, especially how to make it visually appealing, easy to read and compatible with multiple devices.
The ‘choose the right format’ tip lists the different types of format that content can be published as.
The ‘repurpose content’ tip provides ideas on how to publish content in alternative ways.
The ‘stockpile potential future content’ tip emphasises the importance of keeping a stockpile of content for future use.
Business.gov.au’s article, as well as more information, can be read and found here.
Image via Pixabay.