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FEATURE: Seeley International urges innovation after award win

Seeley International Founder and Executive Chairman, Frank Seeley AM, has used a win for the revolutionary Braemar SuperStealth in the 2016 Australian Business Awards, to urge manufacturers to commit to an ongoing program of innovation if they want to remain relevant.

“Australians have had a reputation for thinking outside the square, but that now seems to have faded over time. If we want to see our manufacturing sector survive and flourish then we need to re-grasp our Aussie ingenuity and start setting the pace in what is now a highly competitive global environment.” Seeley said.

“We need to remember the basics of what has made our nation great…we need to be less risk adverse and more willing to have a crack at something, and learn more from failure rather than success.”

“Seeley International has been in business for a long time and we certainly haven’t always seen everything go our way, but we haven’t stopped pushing the limits or resting on our achievements because we know that as quickly as we bring a new product to the market, our competitors will be looking to see if they know they can copy our hard work.”

Seeley stated that his company’s win in the 2016 Australian Business Awards for its Braemar SuperStealth cooler demonstrates that achieving the impossible requires a mindset that embraces challenge and change.

“Our Australian Business Awards win reinforces that great things can be achieved when an Australian company is committed to innovation as a base standard. In reality this isn’t just a win for Seeley International, it’s a win for Australian manufacturers and it’s a win for every entrepreneur and innovator, who starts the day wanting to make a difference and refusing to accept the status quo.”

Seeley also challenged Australian businesses to consider whether they could be doing more rather than waiting for improved economic conditions to take action.

The Australian Business Award, New Product Innovation Award win marks the second time Seeley International has received an award for its Braemar SuperStealth, the first being the Product Design Award at the Good Design Awards in June.

The Australian Business Awards is a comprehensive national awards program recognising organisations across all industries and sectors via an established set of business and product award categories. The awards aim to identify Australia’s business, innovation and technology leaders over a broad spectrum of industries. More information on the Australian Business Awards can be found here.





This article was provided courtesy of Seeley International and was altered slightly prior to publication.




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