The Department of Environment and Energy have published answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the HFC phasedown.
The Department of Environment and Energy stated on their website that the Australian Government will phase down bulk HFC imports from 2018 through new measures outlined in the Review of the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management (OPSGGM) Programme. The Department also stated that Synthetic Greenhouse Gases (SGGs) made up 1.8 percent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2012-13 and the majority of those emissions were HFCs.
The Department also stated the HFC phase-down will contribute to Australia’s 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction target and will encourage industry to move to technologies using lower or zero global warming potential (GWP) alternatives.
The release of the answers to the FAQs comes two months after the outcomes of the review of the OPSGGM Programme were revealed.
The FAQs that the Department have listed include but are not limited to: how Australia’s SGG emissions are calculated, what the HFC phasedown will cover, how it will work, how the phasedown will affect other industries, whether there are any changes for equipment importers and retailers and whether anyone will be forced to replace their equipment.
The FAQs are accompanied with graphs showing how the phasedown will work, as well as tables with relevant data and important dates.
The FAQs and the answers can be read in full here.
Image via Pixabay.