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RMIT University launched its new Co2 Training Facility



A new Centre for Co2 Training, which is the most sophisticated refrigeration and air conditioning training equipment in Asia Pacific, has been set up at RMIT University. Its components include frequency inverters, parallel compression, heat recapture, air conditioning, adiabatic cooling, and hydronic systems, along with heat transfer units.

Not only will it be used to train RMIT Certificate III students in AC and Refrigeration, but it will also be used as an industry training platform for local cohorts, national cohorts and potentially international cohorts. It aims to upskill students using state-of-the-art technology while educating them on the latest trends in the industry, such as smart home technologies.

BITZER Australia’s National Engineering Manager, who will be using the facility, Ian Suffield, noted that the system will be a one-of-a-kind opportunity for apprentices and technicians as well as engineers and consultants, to get hands-on experience running a system that can be found in today’s supermarkets and cold stores around the world. He stated “Training of men and women throughout the industry, from different backgrounds with all levels of experience, is so important for not only the safety of the individual, but also to ensure the continued successful rollout and implementation of this technology, which is the only environmentally friendly refrigeration solution that is non-toxic and also non-flammable,”

This story and image was provided courtesy of Nick Adams in RMIT University Australia page and was edited slightly prior to publication.

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