RACCA and many other associations have started a campaign to enable our industry to stand alone and take control of our training destiny. The first step has been taken by letters going out to the decision makers. See RACCA’s letter below to give you some insight into this initiative:
Dear ________,
My name is Kevin O’Shea and I am the National President of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (RACCA), immediate past Chair of the Australian Refrigeration Council and current member of the Electrotechnology Industry Reference Committee (IRC) representing employers and during my time as a member I have witnessed the constant stalling of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning components of the Training Package from progressing because it is combined with the electrical sector. It would be wiser and more beneficial to industry for the refrigeration and air conditioning sector to have its own IRC. RACCA as a peak organisation supports this move as our refrigeration and air conditioning industry is a completely different industry to electrical and combining the two has tended to blanket our trade.
The nationwide skills shortage in refrigeration and air conditioning has been an ongoing issue for decades for our trade and has been identified by the Australian Government as one of ten industries experiencing a lack of suitable apprentices. The severity of the situation is reflected in the programs with monetary incentives the government has rolled out in a bid to attract more apprentices to fill the skills shortage.
The refrigeration and air conditioning industry and its IRC associated Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has worked hard to progress the training package ready for endorsement only to be held up by the electrical content of the training package. Splitting the IRC into electrical and refrigeration/air conditioning makes a lot of sense due to all the IRC and TACs being volunteers – their time and expertise can be directed into their fields of specialisation. At present, the enthusiasm of the refrigeration/air conditioning TAC is being severely tested due to the lack of progression with the refrigeration/air conditioning qualifications. If refrigeration/air conditioning was a standalone IRC our package would be endorsed by now. It is significant to note that the other three Energy Sector IRCs have had their Training Packages completed and endorsed for some time.
The refrigeration and air conditioning industry is rapidly changing with new technology entering our market. Additionally, the advancement of new low global warming potential refrigerants now being available for use requires constant change of training practices.
As contained in “Cold Hard Facts” publications which is prepared for the Australian Government’s Department of the Environment and Energy our industry is a multibillion dollar industry with direct spend on purchasing, installing, maintaining and operating of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment reported to have leapt to $38bn per year with the HVAC&R sector employing roughly 2.5% of the Australian population contributing approximately $24bn in wages and salaries in 2016.
Providing the refrigeration/air conditioning industry its own IRC will be an acknowledgement that it is valued as a major industry that contributes heavily to the Australian economy.
With these points in mind I hope you take into consideration the obstacles the refrigeration and air conditioning industry currently faces and see the requirement of an independent refrigeration/air conditioning Industry Reference Committee (IRC).
I thank you for your consideration and hope to have a favourable outcome in the near future.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin O’Shea AM
President of RACCA Australia