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Licensing changes to focus on compliance



A new contract that aims to strengthen the ARCtick licensing scheme has been finalized between the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

The main adjustments will center on ensuring compliance and increasing the number of “boots on the ground” visiting license holders holding refrigerant trading authorizations (RTAs). A greater effort will be made to interact with all license holders, including those who are new to the field, and funds will be set aside to improve the air conditioning and refrigeration technicians’ training program.

Greg Watts, the outreach engagement manager for ARC, has embraced the chance to assist the HVAC&R industry and encourage it to uphold moral standards by adhering to the program.

“Our job is to make licence-holders’ lives easier and help them meet their compliance obligations,” Watts says. “If you need help on how to be compliant, refer to the ARC website or just call or email ARC.”

This story and image were provided courtesy of Nick Johns-Wickberg from HVAC&R News page and was slightly edited prior to publication.
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