The Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services, and Innovation has advised of his intention to publish an order in 12 months’ time in the NSW Government Gazette.
This order will officially recognise people accredited under the Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme (FPAS) for Fire System Design or Fire Safety Assessment as Competent Fire Safety Practitioners (CFSP) under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
The decision will ensure that certifiers and building surveyors (for fire systems design), and property owners and managers (for annual fire safety assessments), can know that the professionals they use to perform these services are competent, as required by the 2017 reforms, and that they will have the experience and level of insurance needed to carry out the work.
This Roadshow will inform members, non-members, owners, and councils across NSW about the current regulatory requirements and how FPAS will now help practitioners to fulfill their responsibilities.
These seminars are free to attend and will have a cross-section of fire protection practitioners, consent authorities, and clients in attendance.
Current dates are:
Friday, 22 March Western Sydney – Fire and Rescue NSW Emergency Services Academy, Orchard Hills
Monday, 25 March Hunter Valley – Maitland Fire Control Centre
Tuesday, 26 March Kempsey – Kempsey Macleay RSL Club
Wednesday, 27 March Lismore – East Lismore Bowling Club
Thursday, 28 March Tamworth – Tamworth Golf Club
Friday, 29 March Dubbo – Orana Fire Control Centre
Monday, 1 April Bathurst – Bathurst Panthers
Tuesday, 2 April Albury – Commercial Club Albury
Wednesday, 3 April Queanbeyan – TBC
Thursday, 4 April Moruya – Moruya Golf Club
Friday, 5 April Wollongong – Wollongong Golf Club
Further details or how to register for this event can be found here.