SAI Global are offering workshops on a new international safety standard–ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems–Requirements.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) stated on their website that over 6300 people die each day from work-related accidents or diseases, adding up to over two million every year. The burden of occupational injuries and diseases is significant, both for employers and the wider economy, resulting in losses from early retirements, staff absence and rising insurance premiums.
The new standard is being developed to combat this problem, as well as provide a framework to improve safety, reduce workplace risks and create better working conditions.
SAI Global are offering workshops focusing on the migration from AS/NZS 4801 and the migration from OHSAS 18001, which the ISO 45001 will replace. SAI Global are also offering several WHS courses to help employers and employees prepare for the implementation of the new standard.
The WHS courses include but are not limited to: WHS risk management, implementing a WHS management system, effective workplace safety and design, auditing WHS/OHS management systems, lead auditor in WHS/OHS management systems and incident investigation and due diligence.
The duration of the migration workshops are one day, however multiple workshops are scheduled from April until June. The WHS courses can be done either in public, in-house or online, with the public workshops also scheduled from April until June. There is also the option to purchase the WHS courses.
SAI Global have recommended that those in senior management, management representatives, operations personnel and trainers and consultants attend and complete the workshops and courses.
The standard is expected to be published in October.
More information on the ISO 45001 can be found here.