“I was interested in the post that Phil Wilkinson posted about the AIRAH office where he stated that the office temperature is set to 25 °C and on days with an ambient of over 30 °C the staff can wear more comfortable clothing eg shorts and polo shirts.
The action of AIRAH office has made me think as an industry we are at the coalface of climate change activity. We have made a massive contribution to reducing both ozone depletion and global warming through our work practices by changing refrigerants and recovering refrigerants for safe destruction. What I want to know is – what have you done in your company structure to address climate change?
I put my hand up and say bugger all but Phil with his post and AIRAH with their office temperature protocol has set the seed. Let us know if you are actively doing something to address global warming in your work environment or home.”
-Kevin O’Shea, President of RACCA Australia