This week is Adult Learners’ Week.
Adult Learners’ Week, which is in its 21st year in Australia and kicks off today, aims to create more opportunities for adults to learn, as well as celebrate the efforts and achievements of adults who have stepped back into the learning environment. This year’s theme is ‘Learning outside the square’ and aims to address the common misconception that learning ends with schooling, as well as show the opportunities and benefits from lifelong learning.
Another aim for Adult Learners’ Week is to learn from the experiences of other countries and promote adult learning on an international level. Starting off in the UK in 1992, with South Africa and Jamaica following, with Australia joining in, in 1995, Adult Learners’ Week is now celebrated in over 40 countries. According to the Adult Learners’ Week website, the countries that celebrate Adult Learners’ Week include: Canada, Guyana, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Ukraine, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Austria, The Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Portugal, Iran, The Palestinian Territories, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Benin, Ghana, Cape Verde, Kenya, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Madagascar, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand.
Adult Learners’ Week is also about providing opportunities for informed discussion about the current state of adult learning in Australia and what needs to be improved on for the future.
There are hundreds events across the country in each Australian state and territory to celebrate this year’s Adult Learners’ Week covering several types of learning and industries. These events include but are not limited to: information sessions, workshops, discussions, classes, seminars and day trips.
More information about Adult Learners’ Week can be found here.
Image via the Adult Learners’ Week website.