News.com.au have published an article detailing what the ATO will be keeping an eye on in tax returns this year.
ATO Assistant Commissioner, Graham Whyte, stated to news.com.au that car, travel, internet and self-education expenses, as well as car use are the key deductions that the ATO will be monitoring during tax season. According to the article, Whyte stated that these particular expenses are being monitored due to the changes in tax rules.
Whyte also stated that while work-related tax deductions would be monitored closely, the ATO’s aim was more about warning people to claim properly rather than catching them making improper claims.
The article states that the ATO checks every claim using sophisticated analytic software to spot claims considered outside of the norm and those who were found deliberately making improper claims would face fines and in extreme cases, prosecution. The article provides examples of those who have claimed improperly and the consequences of these actions.
Whyte also emphasised how to be sure a work-related deduction can be claimed and that the ATO wants to prevent people from making mistakes.
News.com.au’s article can be read in full here.
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