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Annual National Greenhouse and Energy Information now available

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The Clean Energy Regulator have released the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data for 2015-16.

The Clean Energy Regulator’s official website states that each year, Australian corporations that meet certain thresholds are required to report their emissions and energy information to the Clean Energy Regulator. The reporting captures about 60 percent of Australia’s total emissions.

The Clean Energy Regulator stated that in 2015-16, corporations reported a total of 334 million tonnes of scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent), 90 million tonnes of scope 2 greenhouse has emissions (CO2 equivalent) and 3956 petajoules of net energy was consumed.

According to the website, the reported scope 1 emissions increased by 2.2 percent on adjusted data from the previous year and the increase “represents emissions released into the atmosphere as a direct result of an activity, or series of activities conducted by reporting corporations.” This year’s data also differs due to the updated global warming potential values introduced in July last year.

This year’s scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions has increased by 12 million tonnes from 2014-15 and by 22 million tonnes from 2013-14. In comparison, scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 1 million tonnes from 2014-15 but increased by 3 million tonnes from 2013-14. Petajoule usage for this year has also decreased over the last three years.

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data for 2015-16 can be found here.




Image via Pixabay.




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