A new national campaign on ladder safety has been launched.
The ‘Ladder Safety Matters’ campaign, launched by Product Safety Australia is aimed at older Australian men due to the number of ladder related injuries increasing in men aged 65 and over. Product Safety Australia stated on their website that the campaign “encourages older Australian men to stop and think before they use a ladder. It’s often the split-second decision or risky shortcut that results in a fall.”
Product Safety Australia also stated that in one year, 1,668 people aged 65 and older were hospitalised because they fell from a ladder, with 62 percent of the injuries occurring in or around the home.
Product Safety Australia provides tips on reducing the risk of ladder related injuries, which include but are not limited to: choosing the right ladder for the job, not working in inclement weather, taking time to set up a ladder before using it and being aware of limits and abilities.
Product Safety Australia have also published videos on real life ladder injury incidents. The three videos tell the story of Mick who fell from a DIY structure in attempt to trim a hedge, John who cares for his father after he fell from a ladder while investigating a leaking roof and Paul, who fell more than two metres after overreaching while painting his house. Each video provides the circumstances of the incident, details of sustained injuries and the related aftermath. An additional video was published, which features Dr Owen Roodenburg, Deputy Director of the Intensive Care Unit at Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital, who has witnessed ladder related injuries first hand.
The launch of the ‘Ladder Safety Matters’ campaign comes two months after SafeWork NSW released their related video focusing on ladder safety in the workplace.
More information on the ‘Ladder Safety Matters’ campaign can be found here.
Image via Pixabay.