Are you looking to learn more about your rights and responsibilities as a business owner? have a list of online courses and webinars that business owners can attend and participate in.
Their list includes online courses and webinars run by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
The ATO provide free webinars on tax basics for small businesses, and payroll tax. The tax basics for small businesses webinars consist of 12 individual webinars on specific tax basics topics–income tax deductions, tax basics home-based businesses, motor vehicle deductions, concessions for small businesses, activity statements, GST, record keeping, employer obligations, super obligations, issues for contractors, and depreciation. The payroll tax webinars have a similar consistency of four webinars on specific payroll topics–basics, allowances, contractors, and grouping.
The Fair Work Ombudsman provides eight online courses focusing on different aspects of the workplace–diversity and discrimination, workplace flexibility, managing employees, managing performance, starting a new job, hiring employees, and difficult conversations in the workplace. These courses consist of information, videos and quizzes, with certificates provided to participants on completion.
The ACCC has their own Small Business Education Program, which consists of 10 modules focusing on specific topics related to advertising, selling and purchasing products. These modules focus on–misleading conduct and advertising, pricing and unfair selling practices, consumer rights and guarantees, selling safe products, scams, unfair contract terms, unconscionable conduct, exclusive dealing and resale price & maintenance, cartels, and misuse of market power. The modules consist of crucial information on each topic and concludes with a quiz. also published links to webinars provided by Australian state governments.’s list of online business courses and webinars can be found here.
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