This ARBS 1998 special feature, focusing on the establishment of the ARBS Exhibition, was published in the March 1997 edition of Celsius. The author is not listed, however Phil Ross was editor and publisher of Celsius at the time with Mel Crook and Geoff Kirkwood as contributing columnists.
The first air conditioning and refrigeration and allied building services exhibition, supported by the entire HVAC & R industry will be held in Sydney in 1998.
To be called the ARBS ’98 (Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Building Services Exhibition), it will be held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour from 5-7 April 1998.
A consortium of seven major industry bodies:
- AIRAH (Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating Inc)
- AMCA (Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors Association)
- AREMA (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association)
- ARWA (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Wholesalers Association)
- CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Service Engineers)
- MPMSAA (Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia)
- RACCA (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association)
Is supporting the new style Exhibition. AIRAH will manage the event.
ARBS ’98 will comprise more than 200 exhibits at which major multi-national, national and local companies and organisations will display their latest technology, products and services.
The consortium says ARBS ’98 will not only provide exhibitors with Australia’s prime opportunity to present products and technology, but also to conclude business transactions, expand business contracts, find new representatives or distributors, expand local and export sales–and to increase profits.
Because of the projected huge size of this event, exhibitors will benefit from the economies of a scale, enabling space to be offered at a modest $350 per square metre with a number of options for various sizes and display packages. Included in the costs are a huge range of exhibitor services, including massive promotion and use of seminar, commercial and entertainment facilities.
Visitors will be encouraged to come by their respective associations including all related tradespeople, building owners, property managers, architects, consulting, design, hospital and other engineers, academics and teachers from all education levels, manufacturers, distributors, agents, as well as managers from local, state and federal government organisations from concurrent industry conferences.
As this is the beginning of the Exhibitions supported by the entire HVAC & R industry, it will definitely grow to be the highlight of the year.

Images of ARBS 1998
Image source: Celsius Magazine (July 1998)