This story was published in the November 1954 edition of Cold Facts. The author is unknown.
Refrigeration and service engineers and the manufacturers of refrigeration equipment, must recognise each other’s problems and needs and then work together as a team for the satisfaction of the customer.
That’s what Andre A. Baudat, Management Director of Sweden Freezer Mfg. Co., told the Western Association of Refrigeration Service Engineers recently.
Baudat said that their common aim of satisfying the customer can only be attained by a teamwork, which is often lacking. In discharging their duties and responsibilities to each other, said Boudat, the manufacturers must build as fool-proof a machine as possible and the service engineer should inform the manufacturer about desirable improvements.
But this information from the service engineer does not usually reach the manufacturer, he stated. It is surprising how seldom the manufacturer hears about such problems from the field, said Baudat.
The manufacturer should also furnish proper instructions for the operation of his equipment and should evaluate and put into use, the suggestions he gets from the service engineer. In turn, pointed out Baudat, the service engineer should react thoroughly and use the instructions the manufacturer furnishes with the equipment.
What do you think about it?

Image via Cold Facts.